《King of the Hill》(KoTH)是一款竞争性黑客游戏,在游戏中你要与 10 名黑客对抗,攻破一台机器,然后修补其漏洞,阻止其他玩家获得访问权限。你保持访问的时间越长,你得到的积分就越多。
注册完之后加入不了房间,提示 Uh-oh! Only intermediate and advanced experienced leveled users can play King of the Hill.
《King of the Hill》(KoTH)是一款竞争性黑客游戏,在游戏中你要与 10 名黑客对抗,攻破一台机器,然后修补其漏洞,阻止其他玩家获得访问权限。你保持访问的时间越长,你得到的积分就越多。
注册完之后加入不了房间,提示 Uh-oh! Only intermediate and advanced experienced leveled users can play King of the Hill.
测试脚本使用 融合怪测评脚本
bash <(wget -qO- ecs.0s.hk)
测试脚本使用 融合怪测评脚本
bash <(wget -qO- ecs.0s.hk)
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测试脚本使用 融合怪测评脚本
文件# 安装 zerotier
curl -s https://install.zerotier.com/ | sudo bash
# 启动 zerotier
systemctl start zerotier-one.service
# 设置开机自启
systemctl enable zerotier-one.service
# 查看状态
systemctl status zerotier-one.service
简单的 cms,可以扫扫看?
提示 1: /flag.php:
if($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != ""){
echo "Just input 'cmd' From";
小明在学习 CTF 的过程中遇到了一道 PHP 的题目,以他有限的水平做不出来,可以帮帮他吗?
观察源码,只要我们传进去的 cmd
$cmd = escapeshellcmd($_POST['cmd']);
if (!preg_match('/ls|dir|nl|nc|cat|tail|more|flag|sh|cut|awk|strings|od|curl|ping|\*|sort|ch|zip|mod|sl|find|sed|cp|mv|ty|grep|fd|df|sudo|more|cc|tac|less|head|\.|{|}|tar|zip|gcc|uniq|vi|vim|file|xxd|base64|date|bash|env|\?|wget|\'|\"|id|whoami/i', $cmd)) {
Someone said: 'One advantage of having a homemade server is that it becomes much harder to hack.' Do you agree? Give reasons.
Note: The files in src/public
are unrelated for the challenge.
Chilli Level:
I made a ERCode generator! Featuring red-blue encoding, looks more colorful than QRCode, right?
Flag is in the ERCodes.